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We are.....
a church where Scripture is the underlying theme; where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused can find Grace, Love, Acceptance, Help, Hope, Forgiveness, Guidance, and Encouragement. Where Joy permeates the air and service is considered a privilege not a burden. Where people find real help, experience real change and discover real answers.
Where marriages are healed and parents' hearts are turned toward their children. Where wasted lives are retrieved and new beginnings are launched; a place known for its love, its worship of God through Jesus Christ, its service to its families, and its ability to reach others for Jesus and to see them become members of our church. Where the preaching will sustain us through the week and can be called upon when needed. Where prayer is the medium for all we do and for every initiative we take.
Where people have nothing to prove and therefore nothing to lose; where all kinds of people serve God in diverse ways with mutual love, encouragement, respect, and unity. Where a difference is made in lives across the street, in our communities served and around the world. Where partnerships are formed by networking with other ministries to further the cause of Christ.
Where Children and youth are nurtured in the faith; where God is worshiped joyfully and reverently; where the music is Christ-honoring and relevant; where worship communicates to the visitor the greatness of our God, the joyfulness of the Christian life and the emptiness of life without Jesus.